
WUHAN2020 Official Announcement 2020.1.29

Dear friends and volunteers, we are the core organizers of wuhan2020, a project on GitHub aiming to serve this combat against 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). This is an Open Source project constructed and maintained by all of us for a better and more effective collaboration that assists the self-organized rescue. The things we are working on:

  1. to create a data service for real-time synchronization among hospitals, factories and procurement.
  2. to call on more people to participate in this project with their professional skills and various resources.
  3. to proceed with our collaborative tasks and constantly stay motivated by the spirit of Open Source community.

The online web entrance of our project: Information Collection Platform for Wuhan COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention (in Chinese 新型冠状病毒防疫信息平台) https://wh.opensource-service.cn/

Open Source & Collaboration

Thanks for your support, now we already have more than two thousand volunteers.

Based on the idea of Open Source community: contribution-oriented role, we don't have a hierarchical management, instead, everyone is equal in this flat structure.

However, in this tough period, we have to take into account the efficiency and effectiveness, so a certain management method intervention is necessary, like the management by objects, control, coordination and communication.

Current Sub-projects and Resources



info source: https://github.com/wuhan2020/data-sync

Resources and Sub-projects

sub-projects links #teams specification
progressive web app https://github.com/wuhan2020/WebApp #proj-front-pages https://wh.opensource-service.cn/ frontend source code
data synchronization https://github.com/wuhan2020/data-sync #proj-datasync
API server https://github.com/wuhan2020/api-server #proj-api-server
map visulization component https://github.com/wuhan2020/map-viz #team-backend
Shimo sync component https://github.com/wuhan2020/shimo-sheet2json #team-backend
UI documentation https://shimo.im/docs/6PtqQkXvJjCYwdwj #team-designer UI design documentation
PRD documentation https://www.figma.com/file/6oLZ4Swo2He0w8DUNELsUV/wuhan?node-id=0%3A28 #team-requirement-management product design documentation

info source:https://github.com/wuhan2020/wuhan2020/

Project application, Project assignment, Project management

We develop core data services for this combat against COVID-19, and provide a robust resource pool. We look forward to all effective sub-projects and teams initialized by individuals and regulated by core team.

Project application & Project assignment

Core team recruits volunteers and regulates the entire project wuhan2020, including the work for risk avoidance: when someone is about to launch a new sub-project, he or she can create a git repository and then carry out the development; If this sub-project is planned to settle on our Github , evaluation is required. With approval, you can fork it to our project. Or you can directly create a new repository under our project and subsequently make it authorized.

Meet us on GitHub:http://github.com/wuhan2020

For matters concerning the sub-project launch, please contact our core organizer team with specification of project name and function description.

For those sub-projects that already settled on our Github project, we will adequately promote it and meanwhile designate some volunteers to take charge of its operation.

In case that some inappropriate information (e.g. commercial usage, advertisement, confidential, rebellion, etc. ) is present in a sub-project, or the sub-project retires, we will remove it promptly.

If a sub-project encounters some problems and difficulties in its implementation, we will provide technically the corresponding support.

Project Management and Communication

Slack is now the main tecnical communication platform,GitHub is our platform of development and collaboration, where our tecnical team mainly settle. Besides, things you do on GitHub like issue, pr can be synchronized to the corresponding channels on Slack. Meet us on Slack, later you will defintely fine your own interested channel, please feel free to join them and share your ideas there.

Brief Introduction to Available channel

  • #generalgeneral——default by Slack, our announcements are mainly released on this channel:read only, only administrators can write. Follow to receive official announcement, project news, task assignment, and recuitment advertisement.
A: team-<main_skill>-<sub_skill> naming convention————functional group channel

To meet your soul team , to fully play your own talent, to fulfill your voluntary ambition, you cannot miss the following teams :

  • #team-designer———— designers team
  • #team-requirement-management————product requirement management team
  • #team-frontend———— frontend development team
  • #team-backend———— backend development team
  • #team-data———— data science team
  • #team-translation———— translation team: documentation translation and constant maintaining, including other relevant translation work focused on this combat against COVID-19
  • #team-overseas———— team for overseas Chinese volunteers who can also serve this medical combat
B: proj-<project_name>-<tecnical_stack> naming convention————project group channel

For better sync-up on GitHub project, and for effective collaboration, you cannot miss the following project-oriented teams either:

  • #proj-operation————daily operation team, it's very general but also very detailed, it has no corresponding sub-project on GitHub, in charge of the management and regulation of most channels to achieve autonomy. Responsibilities: new comer onboarding, Slack channel operation, information sync-up and management, etc.. Members in this team are supposed to stay online for most of the daytime working hours, mutual supervision is necessary but not obligatory

  • #proj-datasync-eggjs-ts————official core data synchronization. If you are a developer, you could self-assign tasks via http://github.com/wuhan2020/data-sync, this sub-project aims to synchronize all the modules, tables and forms on Shimo to GitHub so that frontend team can properly utilize. Plus, the reason why we choose Shimo is that it's a nice collaborative productivity kit, quite friently to most non-technical users.

  • #proj-front-pages frontend project

  • #proj-api-server the API server for frontend

C. help-project name naming convention ————a channel for Help and QoS, in charge of meaningful suggestions and the Q&A relating to some relevant projects , to further facilitate all members' inner communication or cross-team communication.
  • #help-advisement———— do not hesitate to give us your useful suggestions on this channel
D. data-project name naming convention ———— a channel for the team of data input, open to those volunteers who would like to offer some data and information collected offcially or from authenticated source. Follow us on:
  • #data-clinic
  • #data-donation
  • #data-factory
  • #data-hospital
  • #data-hotel

Apply a New channel

Everyone please feel free to apply a new channel, based on the principle of “those who first apply have the first rights to organize” and it's required to follow the naming convention shown above and file for a record. Regarding to all questions and concerns of permission, please go to Slack and contact @Frank Zhao and @David Z.. If a channel is duplicated, we will keep it as one.

Want to be a contributor? Come and join our Slack channel now!

Thank you for your genuine love and voluntary contribution! Let's work together through this tough period to overcome the difficulties.

wuhan2020, we do! we can!